Internet Sharing (PC to Router)

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After a few days of exploring on the said topic, finally i got it run. for my case, i always wanted to share my internet with others electronics equipment in my house. my scenario would be described as: i had an internet source from a router, but then i need to rebroadcast the WiFi to a longer distance, but i dun wanna use money to buy the expensive WiFi signal extension kits, instead, i just use another router (semi faulty - internal modem faulty) to do it.

1. Connect the Laptop/PC (#1) to the internet. Test internet: OK
2. Go to Network and Sharing Center by right click the WIFI icon on the lower right of the screen and choose open Network and Sharing Center.
3. Click the Change adapter settings (Left upper of the screen).
4. Right click on the WiFi adapter (mine is N1030)>properties>sharing tab>click the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection, and also the Allow other network users t control or disable the shared internet connection. refer to picture as below.
**From the picture above we can see there is a list selection of Home networking connection. If you only had a WiFi adapter with Ethernet then, you had no chance to see the list. But if you had more than 2 then you will need to choose the adapter that you want the internet to share to. In this case, Ethernet is applicable.
5. Get a LAN cable and try connect from the Laptop/PC (#1) to another  Laptop/PC (#2), and test the internet browser. Make sure it run smoothly. This step can be skip if you already had faith with the above 4 steps. 
6. For some routers, we need to disable the auto DNS function. I will post mine in the next picture.
**As for the IP address, from the Laptop/PC (#1), click start>type in cmd> in cmd windows (dos alike) type in ipconfig. Pls look for the Ethernet ip address. Let's say in my case, the ethernet was So i just set inside my router as as the local ip address. this address is very important as, after this if you would like to make changes of your router, you will need to key in into the browser to access the router setting.
7. OK, after that just plug the LAN cable from the Laptop/PC (#1) to the router, and woot, its is all done. you can now connect any of your devices to the router and surf happily then.
**i chose to use a router instead of the WiFi extended devices because i had got a semi faulty router from company. i believe by using router, the traffic will be smoother.

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